January 4, 2013

Revenge Season 1

For Christmas, we wanted to get Steve's sister a Netflix subscription. We didn't want to buy it without first taking a test drive of the streaming options to make sure there were more than enough TV shows to occupy her for six months, so we got a one month trial. And I found this gem on which I had heard all sorts of fun good things about. So on December 22nd, I watched my first episode of the 45 minute long show revenge. On January 3rd, I finished my 31st episode of revenge (I needed to catch up with season 2!) Needless to see, I liked it! 

It is a prime time soap opera at it's best. The pretty female character you see above is Emily Thorne aka Amanda Clarke. Her dad was put into prison for financing terrorism and she was left without a family and led a trouble life. Now, billions of dollars richer she's completely focused on taking revenge on the family who framed her father. Mostly the show follows a bunch of rich people fighting with lots of drama. It's like The OC + Gossip Girl. And I like it, lots! 

 Good thing season 2 comes back Sunday!

1 comment:

  1. Ten months to watch 18 half-hour episodes of Arrested: Season 2. Twelve days to watch 31 hour-long episodes of this.
