January 2, 2013

Breaking Bad: Season 3

This show this far too good for a simple "wow" or "amazing". In an effort to commend this show for it's mind blowing story and award-winning performances, I can only summon up three words to express my baffling gratitude and praise of this series...

Sunshine Boner Cakes!

Yes, people. This show is SBC worthy. 

That being said, people prepared me right from the beginning as to how great this season was going to be. Their reception was well met. With Gus now a regular character, the show follows Jesse and Walt as they bring their operation a new professional level - cranking out that blue ice like no other and making more money than God. On top of that, we have Walt struggling with Skyler and the fragile state of their marriage, and - probably the best element of this season - the two Mexican assassins who come for retribution for Tuco's death in season two. I'm trying to do my best to refrain from spoiling any crucial plot points here. While I think that just about everyone but me is completely caught up with this show, you never know. Frankly, going into this show with a fresh perspective is not only desired, it really so be the requirement. 

Right now I'm already a quarter of the way into season 4 as the cliffhanger during the season 3 finale is so gripping you just have to keep trucking along through the series. Not sure what else to expect in the next season (other than seeing a preview clip for season 5 at Sony that gave a recap of the previous season showing an explosion where Gus has half of his face missing). I also have the bitter-sweet feeling as the show nears in on its final conclusion this summer. Always sad to see something you love end, but I'm relieved that they're not sacrificing story to keep this entertainment juggernaut around just to make money - wish Lost could have had that sense. 

I could keep ranting on, but I would only be reiterating my overwhelming joy and appreciation for this show. Not one negative criticism can come to my mind at this moment. (There might be some slower episodes that don't match the same thrill as others that reach certain story arc's climaxes, but as a season - even series - in whole, it's fucking brilliant.) I suppose, more than anything, I'm just glad I'm on the bandwagon with everyone else this time. So often I'm playing catch up with shows that are no longer on air. I think everyone should always have at least one show they're able to root for while it's currently on air... if nothing more than for the sake of fodder for water cooler conversations. At three seasons in, I'm glad I've found mine. 

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