August 25, 2014

Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light

Stan covered most of this in his recent post- we co-op played through this XBox Live Arcade title over two nights a few month apart. I'm a fan of the Tomb Raider franchise and have been wanting to go back and play the games in the series I've missed, but for now this non-Tomb Raider titled spin-off will have to do.

I remember being pretty hesitant about Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light when I first heard of it- Lara works with some sort of racist caricature 'tribal warrior' in an arcade-scoring co-op only game? This was all so far away from what Tomb Raider was about. But it got great reviews and I was interested enough to play at some point. Stan and I both ended up downloading this from that XBox Games With Gold promotion but only ended up playing on Stan's XBox- that's good enough a reason to log for me. The game felt like it was as good as I could expect. It's a pretty huge game for XBLA, with 14 long levels and not a lot of repetition. You're mostly tasked with solving a bunch of puzzles to move ahead, puzzles that require two people to work together, so it never resulted in either of us just kinda dragging the other along like so many co-op games can do. A sequel was recently announced, this time allowing four-player co-op, so who wants to play that one?

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