January 23, 2013


Why I bought it: I got it free for buying two Disney Blu-rays in the same month.

Thoughts: The movie begins with us following an egg as it is picked up bye a Pterodactyl and dropped hundreds of miles away from its original nest. From this egg hatches a dinosaur. This dinosaur is then raised by monkeys. Were monkeys and dinosaurs alive in the same era? Anyway, the dinosaur grows up and come monkey mating season realizes that he doesn't have a mate of his own. There was a little bit too much hinting of a possible dinosaur/monkey romantic relationship. This is all fine and dandy until an asteroid hits earth. The rest of the movie is this dinosaur trying to save his monkeys from this new post-asteroid world and get them to "the nesting grounds" in which the rivers are full of water and the trees are full of leaves. Upon thinking about it, this movie is basically Lion King meets Finding Nemo (Dinosaur's parents died) meets Land Before Time. The one thing I really enjoyed about this movie (besides the dinosaurs) is that it used computer animated dinosaurs on top of live action scenery. This is done all the time in documentaries about dinosaurs, but I have never seen the technique used in an animated feature film aimed at children. The effect was actually pretty impressive and I am surprised there haven't been a lot of movies released like this. Maybe I'll show this to my kids one day. I'm sure they would enjoy it.

Should I have bought it: Because I bought an extra blu-ray to qualify to get this for free, I did not buy this. However, this movie wasn't very great so I wish I hadn't bought that extra blu-ray. My backlog would have been two movies shorter.

1 comment:

  1. I was curious.


    From the first paragraph: "The first primates did not appear until around 50-55 million years ago. That was 10-15 million years after the dinosaurs had become extinct."
