January 28, 2013


Why I bought it: Tim got it for me for Christmas the year before last.

Thoughts: Much like with Jonah Hex, I had very low expectations going into this movie. It definitely exceeded them. Great action. Great nudity. Just great. Timothy Olyphant is nearly unrecognizable as 47, but he's just as badass as ever. The story is somewhat hard to follow, but this movie made me think about playing the game on which this movie is based. But that will have to wait until I get through my backlog.

Should I have bought it: Sure. This was fun.

GOAL: Listen up guys, I need your help to get to 100 posts in January. I plan on logging 10-12 more times before the month is over so that means everyone else needs to pitch in 7-9. 100!


  1. I spent half this movie squinting at the Cyrillic signage during the fight scenes until figuring out they were in the Czech Republic not Russia. Like a cool kid.

  2. You've ruined this movie for me! I can longer watch it and suspend my disbelief.
