This book was dramatic! Psh, like any of the other ones weren’t. I’m happy I didn’t have this many problems in my life in 11th grade. SO! Plot summary! A gets pissed and tells her mom about her husband cheating and Aria knowing so Aria gets kicked out of her house. She lives with her bf Sean for a bit, but Aria gets back together with her AP English teacher, cheating on her boyfriend Sean (what a hypocrite). Also going on, Emily thinks Spencer killed Ali! Oh Em Geeeee! Spencer is having memories of the night Ali disappeared and apparently pushed her down into a rock. Could she be the killer?!!? Emily is publicly outed to the whole school at a swim meet, and her mom does not approve of her being a lesbian. So she threatens to send her away. Being the badass she is, she makes out with her girlfriend in private, but A gets angry and tells Emily’s mom the secret rendezvous point. Hanna, because of an A threat, had to tell her arch nemesis about her being bullemic, and is growing away from her bff Mona and losing popularity in the school. After being publicly embarrassed at Mona’s Sweet Sixteen (cue MTV theme music) she gets a text from A with an known number. Her ex-bff Mona! OH EM GEEEE, could she be A? Aria want to tell the girls about Spencer and Hanna wants to tell them about Mona, so they meet at a park at 3AM and before anyone can say anything, Hanna gets run down by an SUV. Holy shit! Not only did we catch up with the tv show, but someone got run down. If this doesn’t have every piece of a fabulous tv show, then I don’t know what does.
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