I read this book the Help because it seemed like the thing to do. I heard lots of ladies talking about it so I figured I would give it a go. It was the first book I rented from the library on my Kindle. How exciting is that!
I liked the book! It is a book about white women and their black maids in Mississippi. The book alternates between the perspective of three women: two black maids and one white women who is not quite like all her friends. The white woman, Skeeter, enlists the maids help in writing an anonymous book about being a maid. The fact that the perspective kept switching kept my interest, but it also meant I developed a favorite and least favorite perspective leaving me to look forward to some parts more than others.
I won't go into it too much more, but I am excited to see the movie remake which came out fairly recently. I would recommend this book! Check!
Marissa = <3 slaves