I apologize for any typos, I am trying out this new keyboard thing in my phone. So this book was your typical murder mystery but it tied into vietnam. You actually met the killer really early in the book like usual but you don't know it of course. What a trickster. Anywho these six guys go pick up some trucks in vietnam and end up killing people because all they can drink is beer. Then the people's family come back to take them down one by one with a silenced pistol. Oh boy we got a plot now. The cop investigating is named Virgil Flowers which is absolutely ridiculous. He is a cross between a hippie and an attractive dude with long blond dirty cowboy hair who wear shirts like WWTDD. The first rule is you can't talk about it. He had sex with a lot of people in thee book too including one of the bad people. what a bad cop just jeez. This book was a fun quick read but it didn't stand out from any of the hundreds other murder mysteries I have read in my days. So off to the next logging!
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