"Hi I'm Anakin. I'm a slave. Sigh. But it's ok because I get to race in pod races and make my own super fast pod racer. I don't know why I'm so good. Oh wait, I think it's because I have some foresight because of my super high metachloriane count because turns out I have no mother, another life form just impregnated her. No biggy. I came out awesome. It turns out I'm super powerful. Will these powers come to haunt me? Naaaaa"
Jar Jar Binks is also awesome. He talks. Kind of.
Obi Wan cast as Ewan McGreggor I just didn't get though. I saw Moulin Rouge before this so I just picture him as this bohemian singing guy, which really does not fit with his role in Star Wars. He grew on me though. Yoda is cool as always. Natalie Portman is an interesting character. She does a good job playing Padme. Then you've got Darth Maul who I didn't even know was in Star Wars but I recognized his face. He was cool and all.
Good movie. But the plot was subpar. Trade dispute? C'mon. You can do better than that. Three posts to go!
I knew you'd love Jar-Jar Binks, and though I may disagree with your declaration of his awesomeness, I have to admit that "he talks, kind of" is the greatest and most concise character description of him that I have ever heard.