In my non reading crappy books time, I have been watching The Big Bang Theory. And the first reviews are in… I like it! It’s a perfect show for me. I really do enjoy sitcoms. They usually make me giggle. And this one has lots of nerdyness. The main characters, Sheldon and Leonard, are PhDs in Physics and work at a university. Man, they are hilarious. They say some of the most ridiculous things. And not only do they have one geek stereotype, they have them all! They love WoW, Star Wars, the Matrix, Halo and are the most awkward people ever. Hot girl Penny who works at a pseudo Cheesecake Factory moves across the hall, and Leonard has the hots for her. Super awkward Sheldon really does not understand love, friendship, or anything except for doing research on string theory, so he makes everything all sorts of fun. I think I like this show better than How I Met Your Mother. Maybe it’s because I watched it more recently. But I am definitely excited for season 2. Ask Steve for his opinion. He watched it with me. However, I own the DVDs so I get blogging rights. Suckaaaa!
Here is my opinion, Marissa. I also think the show is a funny one. It certainly helps that as an engineer I am privy to a number of jokes from the nerd side, and those are really what make the show work for me; laughing at socially inept people only works for so long, but laughing at and with them can work on a much larger and longer-lasting level. I think that HIMYM is a better show, but I think BBT is a funnier one, if that makes sense; HIMYM is more multi-dimensional while BBT has all these flat characters with no real depth or emotional range, but a lot of the HIMYM jokes are lame and not so funny whereas so far most of the BBT jokes are pointed and well-delivered. And those are my two cents! I'll be back next time for two more, as we're in the midst of BBT Season 2 as I type this.