June 30, 2010

Terminator Salvation

I went into this movie with the lowest of expectations due to its universal panning by friends and critics alike. Maybe it's because I respect Christian Bale for his outburst on the set of this movie or maybe it's because I've always been a Terminator fan (I watched The Sarah Connor Chronicles), but I didn't think it was half bad. Yes, some of the plot is questionable, and yes, nothing really happened to advance the plot besides the fact that John and Kyle finally met, but there were enough explosions to keep me satisfied. Was Bryce Dallas Howard useless? Yes. Was Kyle Reese miscast? Absolutely. But was I ever bored? No. Plus, I appreciated the fact that I could understand what people were saying (yelling). I'm not afraid to give this a recommendation to anyone who enjoys a good action movie.

I think I should probably point out that I watched the Director's Cut which is supposed to be better. Also, this one had boobs. Did the Theatrical Cut have 'em?


  1. I don't remember too much of this movie, but I do remember feeling like it had a lot of potential at the start that ended up not panning out. The action scenes were great and all, and it was cool to see some huge fuckin robots, but man did some of the lines get corny at the end.

  2. I think the biggest problem was the movie felt like nothing more than a set-up for a new series or trilogy of Terminator movies. I'd have had no problem with a "to be continued" type ending, but I expected some substantial war against the machines progress and we saw maybe a few trivial "missions" so to speak. Say what you want about the Matrix trilogy, but it let the humans win the war once and for all before it ducked off the face of the Earth. With the Terminator franchise nearly 30 years old now, along with four movies and a short-lived TV series, I just think it might be time to start wrapping things up.

  3. Also, I don't remember boobs, they must not have been in the theatrical cut.
