June 30, 2010

Mad Men Season 1

Sweeney also just watched this so I won't bore you with details. Only opinions! First off, fun show. Slow show, but fun. It's different from most of the shows out there, which I think is part of the reason why it's succesful. I enjoyed the first season. Two thoughts / opinions....

Man! Women either a. had the life or b. had it rough back then. I can't decide. They are so under appreciated and though of as stupid and made fun of and looked at as only objects, that seriously you must feel like a piece of sand compare to the "big mighty strong powerful smart" men. Sigh. Women are just there for the curves. On the other hand, it could be awesome to have no responsibilities besides children and putting dinner on the table. I bet you would get good at cooking. Seriously though, tell all these mad men to stop cheating on their wives! It's just rude!

On a second and slighlty conflicting note, I can't get over Peggy. Generally women in television shows are attractive. If they're not attractive they're normal. If they're ugly, usually they are meant to be that way and end up getting transformed (a la Ugly Betty). I can't take Peggy seriously if she doesn't get rid of those ugly bangs. C'mon, woman.

Good show. Watching the second now.

Addendum: I'd like to apologize for the unbloggness of my entries lately. I have been watching and reading things that either other people have already written about or I don't want to spoil for others so they have been vague and random. That's all!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you like it. Keep up the good work! Peggy actually gets less unattractive in Season 2 (or maybe 3) and it's largely because she loses the bangs. Also, women start to matter more as the 60s wore on, and the series reflects on changing attitudes toward them.
