June 26, 2010

Super Mario Galaxy 2

It’s been a bit hard getting anything “blog-related” done this whole month while I’ve been stuck here in Guatemala, the butt-hole of Mexico, but I’ve tried to make due. Bringing my Wii down here with me was initially going to be used as a tool to access Netflix to save me from shitty Latin soap operas and endless soccer games (screw fútbol, I’m an American). Well, turns out Netflix doesn’t work outside the US. And to make matters worse Hulu and Pandora crap out as well. Just to my luck, though, it turns out the only game I remembered to bring down with me was Super Mario Galaxy 2 - after accidentally leaving it in the console before packing it.

As of right now I only have 74 stars. Although it only takes 70 to make to the last castle to face the final stage of Bowser, it seems that I still have a ways to go complete the game - just like in any Mario game - but I have, however, reached the credits. In light of that, I consider the game “blog-worthy.” Now, let’s-a-go!

(Oh, I’m ashamed I did that too.)

I’m sure this will turn out as a big surprise that the game starts with Mario on his way to visit Peach and chow down on some cake (it’s a lie - ha!) when a Godzilla-like Bowser shows up out of nowhere to ruin the day. He steals Peach in an effort to get the cake all for himself and runs off across the universe. Mario, of course, is left to chase him and Bowser Jr. down while collecting a plethora of stars along the way. The premise and gameplay really hasn’t changed since the N64 days... and why should it? The formula works!

Aside from adding a few new twists, such as Yoshi, Luigi, and couple of new Mario Hats, the game really seems like a close carbon-copy to what its predecessor was. With mind-bending gameplay and brilliant, colorful atmospheres the game was just a pure delight. I must admit, though, it doesn’t put up too much of a challenge, but I like that. Who wants to get stuck going over the same level 50 times in a row before you realized you’ve wasted your afternoon accomplishing nothing? Yeah, a moderate difficulty level works just fine for me.

I won’t get too much more into game other than discussing the one thing that bugged me: The game resets your lives. For whatever reason, when you restart the game your lives are reset back to five. Go figure? The good news is that it’s extremely easy to accrue extra lives (there’s something like five hidden around the main map every time you return from a level).The first time I was playing this, though, I accumulated upwards of 60 lives then shut off the game. Next time I turned it on; no more lives. What a gip.

Whatever. The game was still extremely enjoyable. And seeing as how Sween has just beat the first one, I’ll make sure to bring it home with me when I come back to Westford.

Oh, yeah. I'll be back in town July 7th suckahs!


  1. Trev! Glad to hear from you, and it's nice to see that SMG 2 saved you from going bonkers in Mexico's butthole. How long will you be in town for? I will be away until very late on the 8th (so realistically, the 9th).

  2. I'll be home for about two weeks. I believe I fly back to LA the night of the 19th or something?

  3. Oh, and a second follow-up: Sween, check with your Mom on being able to see INCEPTION at Jordan's IMAX on the 15th or 16th (it comes out the 16th, Friday, but you know they typically have midnight releases for popular movies). I'm incredibly pumped for Nolan's new flick
