June 30, 2010

Hot Fuzz

I know I won't win any fans by saying this, but I found this movie unbearable for most of the time. The first 90 minutes were so terrible I can't even being to explain how pissed off I was at one point. The movie started getting entertaining once Angel kicked an old lady in the face, but a good 20 minutes does not make up for a painful 90. Maybe I just couldn't understand what they were saying so I didn't get the jokes or maybe I'm just a mother fucking patriot and refuse to support anything British. Either way, I will never watch this again.


  1. I'm kinda with you on this. I bought into the hype machine when Hot Fuzz was first mentioned, and wanted it to be so much better than it was. I get that it was a parody of action movies, but man it just didn't seem that funny. Which is why I always get confused when people talk about it as one of the best comedies in the last few years- to me it doesn't come close to Shawn of the Dead.

  2. Keith, have you seen Shaun of the Dead? Because don't be soured if you haven't - Shaun of the Dead was better than Hot Fuzz. I didn't think it was terrible, but I'm with both of you in believing it was overrated.

  3. I absolutely disagree with all of you on this. HOT FUZZ, while not my absolute favorite movie of all time, was still damn good. So much so that it has left me watching the flick at least a dozen times. To be fair, I find myself as an Edgar Wright/Simon Pegg fan. Any of you guys seen SPACED? Go ahead and skip the first season (as with any television show, the first season feels a little awkward), but I found the second - and what I believe the be the last season? - to be quite enjoyable.

    I don't know. Sounds like you guys were shitting on the flick, and I felt like I needed to chime in a say my two cents. Lets see how Wright's new movie, SCOTT PILGRIM VS. THE WORLD, does this August.
