November 6, 2011

It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia: Season 6

This is the third time on this blog that I'll be reviewing a season of Always Sunny. For my Season 4 post, I kind of loosely described the show and why I enjoy it. For Season 5, a season I still consider to be my favorite season, I made a lengthy post in which I described and rated each individual episode. This time around, I just want to offer a belated half-apology to Season 6. Last fall, perhaps because it had to follow Season 5, Season 6 just did not impress me in the least. "Sunny got bad!" I lamented, and wondered if the end was near for the show I'd loved throughout my college years. Having just re-watched the season, I can now admit that maybe I was being a bit overdramatic, because Season 6, like so many other Sunny seasons, had its share of hits and misses. Without doing another lengthy episodic breakdown, let me run through the season with some loose grades real quick. The opening pair of episodes, involving gay marriage, regular marriage, and divorce, I would give a C. The boat episode gets an A. "Mac's Big Break" wasn't an instant classic, but was a perfectly decent Sunny episode: B. The one where the gang tries to break into a member's only pool? A-minus. The one where Mac and Charlie's moms move in together was something of a B-minus. Then came the best episode of the season, "Who Got Sweet Dee Pregnant?" This Halloween-themed episode used the Rashomon effect to allow the guys to piece together their own partial memories, or "brown-outs," to figure out which one of them banged Dee at a costume party. Easy A. (Ugh, just thought of Webber's favorite movie.) Anyway, moving on, next up came a loose two-parter in which Dee became a substitute teacher and Charlie took a custodial job. Part one dealt with the gang acquiring a new member, and was a C-plus. Part two involved the gang's homemade Lethal Weapon 5 movie, and I imagine I would have enjoyed it more had I seen any of the Lethal Weapon movies. For now, it gets a B. The three episodes that rounded out the season were the one where the gang forgets Charlie's birthday (B-minus, saved by the "denim chicken" and "Vermhat" at the end), the one where the gang gets lost in the woods (A-minus), and the finale in which Dee gives birth (a solid B). For those of you not keeping track - and why would you be? - that breakdown amounts to the following twelve-episode line of C/C/A/B/A-/B-/A/C+/B/B-/A-/B. No need to do any actual math here, but that's a GPA of about 3.0 on the semester. So yeah. All in all, not such a bad season after all. (Looking back, I think Season 3 and Season 4 were weaker, actually.) And the current season has been very average so far. One definite clunker, two or three gems, and the rest very average overall. I'd say "Sunny's back!" but in truth it may have never left in the first place. I suppose I'll be back in another year with some Season 7 analysis to offer.

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