Man, I need to beat a lot of games this month if I'm going to maintain my goal of making progress every month. Like, a whole lot. Thankfully, this one took about twenty minutes to beat. It's an arcade game ported into the Mega Man Anniversary Collection I own. Essentially, the point of the game is that Dr. Wily has resurrected 18 of his best robot masters and is attempting some new scheme for world domination. I swear, between that guy's failures and Dr. Robotnik's, you'd think mad robot engineers would just quit the shenanigans already and try something new. Anyway, the game is divided into three... stories, I guess. One contains bosses from Mega Man and Mega Man 2, another has bosses from 3, 4, 5, and 6, and the third and final story has bosses from 7 alone. Not the most even split, but whatever. Because this is a ported arcade game, you get unlimited continues (as arcades definitely want your unlimited money) and I only needed about half a dozen to vanquish all 18 bosses. Quick and simple. And also pointless. Oh well. That's what you get when you buy a 10-game compilation disc.
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