Alright. It's time to take a break from writing my senior thesis in order to write a Back-Blogged post. I was really brief and terse with my Season 6 recap. So brief, in fact, that I forgot to point out the only two things I wanted to - that it had a clip show (blech!) and that apparently it took all the way until Season 6 to learn that Kramer's first name was Cosmo. I guess having known that his name was Cosmo all along, I never noticed that he was never referred to as anything other than "Kramer" until Season 6. How about that? Anyway, that was Season 6. This is Season 7. And Season 7, sadly, just wasn't as good as Seasons 5 and 6. It's hard to put a finger on why that was the case. I guess there wasn't a lack of memorable episodes; this season brought with it the Soup Nazi, George's unhappy engagement, and Kramer and Newman's trek to Michigan in a mail truck to return thousands bottles and cans for ten cents. Maybe what did this season in was an excess of forgettable episodes. Some of the situations just got a little too silly. Seinfeld has always been the "show about nothing," but the nothingness has slowly been drifting from the mundane to the improbable little by little. Oh well. Now, I'm still looking forward to the final two seasons, but rumor has it that the quality of the series is all downhill from here. If it is, no big deal. The series is so iconic that no matter how bad Seasons 8 and 9 are (Larry David split after Season 7 - that can't be a good thing), I'll never regret having seen them all. Afterward, just one complete television series will remain backlogged: The Wire. I'll get there, sure enough. But let's not jump the gun here. First, I need to watch the last two seasons of Seinfeld. And before I can do that, I need to finish this thesis. Now, back to MS Word!
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