Here's a game that never even came out in America. Why the fuck am I bothering with it? Because the dickheads at Capcom decided to throw it in the Mega Man X Collection, even though it has to do with Mega Man and his allies and rivals rather than X and his. Stupid. Know what else is stupid? This game wasn't even available until I unlocked it by beating the first three Mega Man X games. I didn't want to have to beat the first game again - I beat it on the SNES a decade ago! But in order to play (and "log") this piece of shit game, I had to unlock it first, so I just sucked it up and beat Mega Man X again. Fortunately, passwords exist that allowed me to cut out everything but the final fortress. (Unfortunately, the final fortress is like half of the game.) Fortunately, I still know how to play and beat Mega Man X as if by heart. So whatever. It turns out, re-beating the first X game was more rewarding than playing through this kart racer. I mean, honestly, what's the point? Mario Kart is a fantastic series, but that doesn't mean ever franchise in gaming can spin off its characters into an enjoyable kart racer. Some people love Crash Bandicoot's attempt, and others swear by Diddy Kong's, but honestly, this mundane piece of shit was completely unnecessary. No storyline, no new characters, no point. So yeah. I put in my hour. I learned how to dominate the ten or so courses and beat the game. But what did it bring me? Nothing. Nothing but another check mark under the "beaten" column on my hypothetical log of vide games. Look, I'm tired. Bored with all of this. Cranky, if you couldn't tell. It's an absolutely gorgeous day, and I've spent it schlepping through some games I never even really wanted to play. Why? For the sake of some New Years resolution to beat more games than I bought every month. Well, guess what. It ain't happening. Not this month. I had zero self-control (and got a few games as gifts, too) this month, and I shouldn't be punishing myself for it now by playing video games on a day like today. And now today is already nearly over. Fuck it. This is stupid. I'm done for now. And by the looks of things, so is everyone else who used to contribute to this blog. Have a wonderful Memorial Day.
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