This game was part of some super fun birthday presents from Steve. I have an awkward fascination for this show and tend to watch it when I find it on tv, so it was a fitting gift. The premise of the video game is simple. Make your way to the "head of the class" (if we're going for another school based trivia game) by answering questions with the help of your sometimes stereotypical fifth grade friends. By stereotypical I mean, you can probably guess which race the gym or math categories went to. However, these cookie fifth graders changed their favorite subjects all the time! Flaky bitches. I defeated homeroom winning myself a million fake dollars and all without the help of my fifth grade friends which got me a coveted xbox achievement so I can slowly get a not embarrassing gamer points total. All the questions are multiple choice or true or false except for the last question which you type in an answer, which makes for a lot of confusion when picking exactly what to type. There are also some fun multiplayer sections. I got thoroughly destroyed by Steve multiple times on a game where you are racing up a ladder trying to get to the top first. There are some fun gimmicks where you can freeze the person, but my biggest trouble was there are all these language questions in French and Spanish, but I have only taken German. Needless to say I'm failing that category. There is also a multiplayer part where you race to answer first and whoever gets to a million or doesn't get three strikes wins.
Overall, pretty fun game! Probably better than the tv show. Thankfully Jeff Foxworthy still makes fun of you throughout the game though.
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