May 19, 2010

Mega Man 5

I lied. Mega Man 4 did not end up being the last game of the night for me. Instead, that distinction belongs to Mega Man 5, which is for all intents and purposes the same game. Once again, you fight eight bosses before needing to fight through Dr. Wiley's fortress. This time some bird thing follows you around for the second half of the game, but there's really nothing else new to speak of. Actually, a couple of pretty cool things happened in this game. One level involved flipped gravitational fields, allowing (forcing) you to spend half the time on the ceiling. That was actually an innovative change. Another level featured some kind of watercraft that you had to ride on for the latter half of the stage. That, too, was new and unique. In general, too, the graphics seem to be improving little by little each game. It's nothing I can specifically point out and say, "this game looks a lot better than the previous games," but Mega Man 5 sure looks a whole lot better than Mega Man 2. As for the original Mega Man, the change between that one and the second one was so drastic that the two almost seem to be on different systems. So I guess I lied again; the point at which the NES Mega Man games became better, graphically speaking, was the transition between the first two games. It happened, alright. It just came early. Whatever. Just four of the ten games on this compilation remain. This isn't just doable. It's looking probable. For real, though, it's time for me to hit the hay. I'll beat the sixth game in the morning - and by morning I mean noon - and I'm so ready for the SNES and PS system jumps that the final two games will practically beat themselves. Yes, this is going to happen. It needs to happen. I will make it happen.

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