Boy do I love this movie! Many of you may not know, but my favorite movies are pretty horrible. I love Transformers, and this movie is right up there with it. It has witty banter and awesome actions scenes. I'm not sure what more you could really want. I enjoyed this movie for the second time just as much as the first, and I'm jealous about all the cool "real" technological stuff in his basement. Also, his cars. Man, advertising works on my like a charm because I'm about ready to go and buy myself and Audi because of all the not so discrete advertising in this movie.
Side not: I'm happy to report, I enjoyed Iron Man 2 as well! It wasn't the disaster called Transformers 2. "Congratulations, you have created an element"It was absurd, almost on a GI Joe level, but that's just how I like 'em!
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