December 30, 2013

Where'd You Go, Bernadette?

This book was weird. I’m not sure if I liked it or was every really completely engrossed in it.

Bee: Main character and daughter
Bernadette: Mother, infamous architect, now crazy
Elgin: Father, rich CEO of tech company

Spoilers ensue! Bernadette moved her entire family to Seattle after some sort of fall out in the architecture world. She bought an old leaky gigantic home which she intends to renovate but never does so they mostly live in squalor. Bernadette asks for everything from Manjula, her Indian virtual assistant who we later find to be a gigantic scam artist. Bee goes to a private school where she doesn’t quite fit in and neither does her mother which later leads to a large problem involving blackberries that leads Bernadette to go missing. Turns out Bernadette was in Antarctica.

This book was very funny and had a very scattered organization. Some parts were from Bee’s view or Bernadette’s or an email from Bernadette to Manjula or an FBI agent. It was easy to read but at some points lead to me not connecting with the story. It took me too long to get invested in the book and by that time it was almost over.

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