December 31, 2013

Pitch Perfect

My Dad works from home and because of this tends to have movies on in the background. He'll start a movie in the middle on HBO and watch it dozens of times in the background. Everytime I would come home my Mom would make fun of him because he had seen Pitch Perfect the most of all. Well, turns out, I come home on the night before my wedding and Pitch Perfect was on. And ya know what? I watched it. Apparently my Mom didn't think this was a fun way to spend the night before your wedding, but I liked it just fine! She got me this movie for Christmas to remind me of that and I just watched it again. It's cute! Anna Kendrick is an outsider at college and joins an acapella group at her Dad's insistence. She has new and bold ideas that the group leader just doesn't want to roll with. Making things more complicated, she has a crush on a member of the rival acapella team which is VERBOTEN! Taking a page out of the Step Up plot book, the group does moderately well and begins to become friends, something dramatic happens which causes the group to split apart, and the group comes together and respsects the ideas of Anna Kendrick to win it all! You go girls!

Cute fun movie which isn't too annoying for a singing movie.

1 comment:

  1. Second most all time posts besides that time when Keith watched 5 movies every day! I was only responsible for 30% of them, hopefully that makes up for the rest of the year.
