December 21, 2013

Putt-Putt Saves the Zoo

Hot ziggity! This remains the only PC game I have ever beaten and I beat it again on the plane on my iPhone. I promise to never blog an iOS game again, but this one deserves some praise for being one of my favorite games from childhood. You are Putt-Putt and are tasked by Mr. Baldini to bring animal chow to the zoo so Outback Al can feed the Zoo Animals before the grand opening of the Cartown Zoo. But, when you get to the zoo, Outback Al has somehow lost six baby animals and, rather than finding them himself, decides to con Putt-Putt into doing it for him. As Putt-Putt, you point and click your way through the zoo, discovering items to help you save the animals. Sounds silly and easy. It is. But, there are just a ton of animations/cutscenes that are INCREDIBLE. If you click on a monkey he puts on a little hat and tells some poetry. Anyway, the theme song of this game is damn catchy and I've been singing it since the first time I played this game 16 or so years ago. You all must play this game.

1 comment:

  1. Damn... I suddenly remember you or Andrew playing this in your basement in Westford some ten or twelve years ago. Doesn't the car sound like someone making loose fart nosies with their tongue and lips?
