December 17, 2013

Gerald's Game

So since I have a giant virtual stack of Stephen King books waiting to be read still, I figured for my next one I'd try out a book that I thought had no reputation at all. But since I've been reading a ton of King lately, I've done plenty of research and have some idea how liked or disliked most of his books are. Geraald's Game however was one I knew absolutely nothing about, so I went in with really no expectations. And really, it started pretty strong. A married couple looking to spice up their love life goes to their remote summer home deep in the woods of Maine for the weekend. The husband Gerald has convinced his wife Jessie to be handcuffed to the bed, but shortly after this Jessie starts having second thoughts and demands to be let out. Gerald refuses- he's gone too far already and assumes Jessie's protests are all a part of the game, so Jessie panics and lashes out, kicking Gerald square in the nuts so hard that it somehow causes a heart attack, and Gerald is down for the count right there in the introduction. So now we've got Jessie, naked and handcuffed to a bed in the middle of nowhere, with her likely dead husband slumped over in a pile, with no idea how the hell to get out of this situation. If that sounds like a boring premise to you, I guess I can understand, as almost the entire book takes place from Jessie's point of view on a bed, but I actually found the book to be for the most part pretty intense. While I was reading this I stumbled upon a list on where people voted on their least favorite King books, and this came up as number one. Really? I mean I was closing in on the end and it wasn't fantastic or anything, but I'd say that it's at least better than Black House, Insomnia and Dark Tower I and VI. Maybe King just screwed up the ending horribly? Anyway I eventually read to the end and well Jessie's story actually ended very well, King did kinda screw things up with a very unnecessary epilogue. Let's just say something that happens to Jessie over the course of the novel, something weird and mysterious and scary but possibly just a hallucination, is completely overexplained which ruins the scare long after it happens. One of the few times King really has a great ending, and he has to screw it up by not realizing his story was already over. Oh well, I still liked it and if you just stop where the story seems to it makes for a good read.

1 comment:

  1. Cell. Definitely the worst Stephen King book.

    Plus Dark Tower VI wasn't THAT bad.
