December 27, 2013

Hector: Badge of Carnage

Here's a random one from the Telltale Games bundle I bought recently. Unlike most Telltale adventure games, Hector: Badge of Carnage wasn't made from an existing franchise, and with this new freedom Telltale decided to get really weird with it. The core gameplay is the same as any other point-and-click adventure game, but it's got a completely different tone than any game they've put out. For one, Hector is British, and it's laid on thick- half the time I couldn't understand what people were saying due to accents, there's tons of chav culture, references to EastEnders and Helen Mirren, all sorts of stuff like that to make the game really blatantly British. Actually one of the puzzles required me to find a "spanner" to fix something and I was completely lost. Does anyone know what that is without looking it up? It surprised me. Anyway in addition to being very British, the game is also very dirty and dark, unlike the absurdist humor of the Sam and Max series. One early puzzle requires you to pass off a passed-out heroin addict as a sex doll. Dozens of cops get their heads blown off before the opening cutscene finishes. A final puzzle requires launching a giant vibrator in the sky. Still though, it made for a pretty solid game and seems like a good introduction to the genre if anyone's got the adventure game itch- it's fairly short and not too hard, so if you're curious I say give it a shot.

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