I'm a big fan of the Tomb Raider series, and I'm also a big fan of developer Naughty Dog (they made the Crash Bandicoot series). So when Naughty Dog attempted a Tomb Raider-style game, I knew that when I got a PS3 that Uncharted would be one of the first games I'd pick up. Also, its sequel from 2009 basically won every game-of-the-year award there is, so obviously the first game has to be at least pretty fun. Unfortunately, having finished Uncharted, I can say that I'm not really that impressed. The platforming was at times decent, but mostly pretty bland. The puzzles were usually pretty simple and never had that grand sense of scale that I got from, say, Tomb Raider: Underworld. What sets Uncharted apart from that series is its heavier focus on shooting, which I just didn't enjoy at all. It was pretty difficult to aim, and moving around with a gun was slow and a pain in the ass. People criticize Tomb Raider for its gunplay, but I'll take the hands-off but much less frustrating shooting over what Uncharted had to offer any day. I know it seems like I'm ripping on Uncharted, but it was in fact a very good game- the problem here was just that I felt like recent Tomb Raider games were better in nearly every way. Oh well. I hear that basically everything's fixed in Uncharted 2, so of course I'll give that a play at some point, but probably not for a while.
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