April 2, 2010

Fringe Season 1

I've decided to write this entry in a very similar style to the show: all over the place. I began watching this season (with Tim) sometime in December as I received this as a birthday present. Although it took me until April to complete (I blame Tim as he falls short of dependable), I don't consider this show boring or unenjoyable. Perhaps the fact that each episode borders on 50 mins makes it a bit more taxing than most. Anyways, I measure the impact of a show on my ability to remember the main characters' names. Walter Bishop, Peter Bishop, Olivia Dunham, Philip Broiles, Charlie something, William Bell, Something Jones, Astrid Farnsworth, Charlie Francis, Nina Sharp. Okay, so I enjoyed it. This show is definitely bizarre, is definitely sci fi, and is definitely influenced heavily by the X-Files. With that being said, I think it can be enjoyed by anyone given the genuinely likable characters and its episodic nature. Although there is an overarching narrative involving a Corporation called Massive Dynamic, each episode could stand on its own due to the fact that there is a new and unique case that must be solved each week (from people with pyrokinesis to snakescorpioneaglelion monsters). However, this show is not without its issues. Our main character, Olivia Dunham, spends the first 18 episodes being poked, prodded and abused by one of her superiors (she filed a sexual harassment lawsuit against him awhile back so he hates her). In episode 19, this boss is randomly set on fire and dies. In episode 20, there is no mention of him. No one acknowledges his death (don't worry, he's on 24 now). Also, Joshua Jackson spends every episode reminding the viewers that he went to MIT. Did I mention that Worcester is featured prominently in multiple episodes (the Fringe Version of Worcester has like 7 skyscrapers). Still, these are not reasons to avoid the show. In fact, you must watch the show because there's an action sequence on "Route 3" in Westford. I shit you not. I'm rather looking forward to season 2.


  1. Proud of you two. Does this mean Friday Night Lights now? Back in December, that was your plan. But of course, plans can change.

    Also, as a sixteen-year full-time and current part-time Westfordian, I feel obligated to point out that Route 3 runs through the remote, unreachable northeast corner of town for what is roughly one mile. The only other road in that vicinity runs right underneath Route 3 and is where the town's last murder occurred. It is called "Makepeace Road."

  2. You've created a monster Steve. I cannot own Friday Night Lights on Blu-ray. Therefore, I cannot own Friday Night Lights. Therefore, I cannot backlog the season. Therefore, until further notice, I will be watching seasons that I actually own.
