April 18, 2010

Harold & Kumar Escape From Guantanamo Bay

I saw the first Harold & Kumar movie years ago. It was good (not great), and I expected more of the same this time around. And Escape From Guantanamo Bay was more or less just that: more of the same. There were more crude sex jokes, there was more drug culture, and there was another cameo by Neil Patrick Harris. My one complaint is a common one - the film ran a bit long. Clocking in at an hour and forty-seven minutes, it just felt about twenty minutes longer than it needed to be. But no matter; the movie was, for better or worse, exactly what I was expecting. I wouldn't rate it quite as highly as White Castle, mostly because the novelty factor was gone and the plot felt a lot worse (yeah, believe it or not, the pursuit of White Castle hamburgers made for a more endearing comedy than an escape from a prison full of detained terrorists). Oh well. Call it a five out of ten and let's move along to whatever post comes next.

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