So over the past few months, probably dating back to last semester, I have been making my way through all ten seasons of Friends. Let me tell you, this is honestly the greatest show. It always will be. I don't care about you Seinfeld fans. Best. Sitcom. Ever.
Basically Friends is awesome. I'm sure all of you have seen bits and pieces of it, but who has seen every episode multiple times? Me! They only get funnier. Let me give you a brief synopsis about each of the "main" storylines in my opinion per season. You can all have a heated debate about which ones are awesome and which ones suck.
Season 1: This one is an introduction to the characters but is basically centers around the whole Rachel Ross saga. She chases him to the airport to tell him she loves him at the end, but she is too afraid to say it.
Season 2: This season focuses on both Rachel pining over Ross and the relationship between Monica and Richard (the eye doctor). Monica and Richard have a great relationship but break it off when Richard doesn't want kids (because he's super old).
Season 3: Ross and Rachel date this season, and the infamous "WE WERE ON A BREAK" line comes into play. It's a season of dinosaurs, dates, jealousy, and breaking up.
Season 4: Season 4 is loaded with awesomeness and it's where all of the good stuff beings to happen. Phoebe is a surrogate mother for her brother's twins. Ross meets and gets engaged to Emily. And in one of my favorite series of episodes, Rachel and Monica lose their apartment to Joey and Chandler in a bet.
Season 5: Man friends got good here. So Ross says the wrong name at his wedding and tries to win Emily back. Chandler and Monica hook up, hide their relationship, unveil their relationship, and then almost get married in Vegas. Phoebe has triplets and wants to keep one. And Ross and Rachel get married in Vegas when they are super drunk.
Season 6: This season focuses on all of the characters a bit. There is no main story line. Ross becomes a teacher and dates a student. Rachel moves in with Joey (and is dating Ross' girlfriends dad). Joey gets a job on Mac and CHEESE. The best part though is that Chandler proposes to Monica.
Season 7: Monica and Chandler plan a wedding! Love them! Rachel is revealed to be pregnant in the last episode.
Season 8: Who's the father? Rachel's baby daddy is Ross. (Surprise!) Joey likes Rachel though. It all becomes quite awkward and culminates in Joey sort of proposing to Rachel after she has a baby.
Season 9: This season is a great one and focuses on everyone as well. Rachel has a baby now, moves in with Joey, and starts to like him. Monica and Chandler can't conceive. Phoebe starts to date Mike. (Love him!) Joey starts to date a hot paleontologist Charlie who Ross likes.
Season 10: Man am I sad this show is over. So Rachel and Joey try it out but it doesn't work. Monica and Chandler adopt a baby (but it turns out to be two). Phoebe marries Mike in a great episode. And the season ends with Ross and Rachel finally getting together.
Seriously, I love this show. What's your favorite episode? Least favorite? Season? Moment? Discuss! I want some comments!
I have a few things to say, and they are not very connected. So I will list them in bullet form.
ReplyDelete-Didn't Monica propose to Chandler instead? That was like my least favorite part of Friends, ever.
-Love it or hate it, you're right, Friends is probably one of the all time "best" sitcoms in that it really defined the genre for a decade. And as TV slips more and more into niche markets and unique concepts in the DVR era, will we ever again see one sitcom be so universally known and beloved, again? I don't know. But Friends was, though not necessarily one of a kind, certainly the last hoorah of its kind.
-I know we disagree a ton here, but I think the show was at its funniest in the earlier years. Of course, I'm more of a TV snob than you, so what I see as "falling into cliches and jumping the shark," you may see as "hitting its stride."
-Again, we differ, but I think Chandler was one of the most annoying characters on the show. But then, I'm a Ross guy, so I can't really talk. Oh and Monica was annoying too.
1) Yes Monica kind of proposed to him. Then he proposed to her. Also, Phoebe proposed to Mike at first too. I'm not a fan
ReplyDelete2) Yes. It's awesome
3) It get's funnier the more the characters get developed which I think hits its stride season 3-6. I know they seem like "cliches" sometimes but Friends manages to do them different
4) I love Chandler and Monica. Go away.
Seriously though Ross is funny too. Honestly, the only person I don't love is Phoebe. She's cooky.
All I really remember about this show was "Smelly Cat" but that is a good thing.
ReplyDeleteMarissa, I'm going to back way up here and ask, "What's wrong with Phoebe?" No. You know what? Next up on Ranks For Nothing are the Friends characters. You brought this upon yourself.
ReplyDeletePhoebe is no good because she's just there to add quirk. She really only has one story line with Mike later in the series. She's almost supporting cast for the rest of them. She's funny, but not favorite character worthy.
ReplyDeletePhoebe's brother (fork melter) is my favorite. Marcel is a close second. The rest of the cast is just kinda meh for me.
ReplyDeleteThis is probably the most commented-on Backblog entry, yet no one has touched upon something I figured would have been brought up by now- way to pull a Webber and fuck up the entry count, Marissa! This is ten loggings in one!