April 30, 2010

The Drawing of the Three

So, I would first like to take a moment of you time to apologize to my fellow back-loggers for my lack of urgency. I have had this book waiting in the wings to write about. I admit it. I pulled a Webber. Anywho, I'm sorry, but I promised I would write about this before the month was over and I only have a little over an hour left so onward!

As Sweeney said, this book was great and much much better than the Gunslinger. As the title promises, the gunslinger "draws the three". See I'm not sure exactly what to write because I know that when I plan on reading a book I don't even like to know the plot. I know Steve wants to read this so I won't write about the plot.

I guess I will just say a few simple things. The first of the "three" I like a lot. The second of the "three" I was not a big fan of, but I am now liking a lot in the third book. The third of the "three" is still confusing to me, but leaves a lot of promise. Also, there's these awesome lobsters in this book.

It was really good though! On to The Waste Lands (which I am halfway through....oops)!


  1. Yeah, as brutal as the Detta/Odetta parts were, they were made up for so much by the shootout with Eddie and the insanity that is Jack Mort. Also you are halfway through Waste Lands so you know who comes back. It sounds like you're liking it so far, which is good.


    Nah, I'm just kidding; if I ever do read these books, it'll be a long time before I do so. They're not currently in my backlog, after all, and what good is it to me to read a book if I don't already own it?
