January 12, 2014

Tron: Legacy

As a sequel to a movie that came out thirty years ago that I have never seen, I did not have high hopes for this to be a great movie. I acquired it because it was $10 and if I bought it I would get another movie for free. Still, I'm not sure there is any point in me owning it. Anyway, this movie looks damn impressive. I'd probably argue that it has better 3D than Avatar. Interestingly, this game is only in 3D IMAX when they are in the video game, but is 2D and not IMAX when they are not in the video game. It's an interesting choice that really works. Still, all the bells and whistles don't make up for a silly story. Sam Flynn, the son of the founder of Encom, Mr. Flynn aka Jeff Bridges (who has been missing for 20 years) is busy doing nothing with his life. He then finds himself physically pulled into the video game his dad invented. Soon after, he's in a fight to save the world in Tron and the world as we know it. His dad created a program to help him save the world, but that program, known as "Clue" decides to destroy the world instead. Did I mention Clue looks like Jeff Bridges from 20 years ago? They used CGI to create this look and the results are impressive, yet pretty unnerving. Anyway, this movie was entertaining, but nothing more than that. Moving on.

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