January 2, 2014

Jeff, Who Lives at Home

Before I get to the movie, I'd like to start with a question about something that has bothered me for a long time. Does anyone like Ed Helms? At all? The guy just annoys me. He annoyed me in the Office, but man was he unlikeable in this movie. And I don't want to hear that his characters are supposed to be unlikeable. Because I hate him in everything. I don't find him funny.

Anyway, this movie tried too hard. It had very little plot, and although it thought that was a positive, it most certainly was not. I could care less about Jeff or his brother or his mom. And don't expect to laugh. Ever.

1 comment:

  1. I will admit to having no strong opinions about Ed Helms - so, no, I can't say I "like" him. He was tolerable on the Daily Show for seven years, though. Also he was sort of the put upon sad sack in the Hangover movies.
