January 5, 2014

Sons of Anarchy: Season 4

So - Steve just posted about this because we watched it together. They're officially his DVDs but we're married so what's his is also mine. Sharing is caring, people. So these are my DVDs too and I've never seen Sons Season 4 before so this counts more for me than it does for Steve, damnit!

Observation 1: Jax looks a ton like Paul Walker with short hair.
Observation 2: Gemma is a dirty gross crude woman. However, she does a lot for this club without getting any thanks. She's real bad ass a lot of the time. She and Tara have been fun to watch throughout Sons Seasons 1-4. They are an important part of this TV show.
Observation 3: Episodes 1-13A were fantastic. There was a ton going on in this season, and Seasons 1-3 have set the tone for all the conflict. There were new characters introduced but it felt natural and I didn't struggle to remember who they were which did happen in previous seasons. I knew most people's motivations the entire season. The conflict helped build the characters who we already knew a lot about.

Steve made a good analogy. Season 4 puts pots of water on the stove all season to boil. Instead of boiling over in the finale, multiple pots are just taken off the stove. I have an inkling where Season 7 will go based on Steve's post, and I think I will continue to enjoy Sons over the next three seasons even if they decline in quality.

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