No. Don’t be alarmed. This is not Webber posting. Despite an influx of teeny bopper Zac Efron filled movies from Webber, the blog is back to the norm with me posting crappy movies, television, and books. What can I say about Twilight? I really did enjoy the books. The writing is horrible. I can’t argue with that. The plot is ridiculous (but entertaining). However, the characters and storyline, I think, immerse you into the plot. Whether you love them or hate them, Bella and Edward have this fairytale love that people wish exist in real life. They are quick entertaining reads, and that’s all I asked for.
The movies though are an entirely different story. I haven’t seen any of these in theaters because I really don’t want to pay for them. They’re just not good. The first movie was down right awful. Unintentionally funny. But awful. They vampires running at full speed is cartoon esque. Kristin Stewart is one of the most annoying people ever. And middle age women around the globe are swooning over a baby faced 16 year old. I can’t take it! The movies turn the books into something they’re not. They focus on the creepy vampires approaching town rather than the relationship between Bella and Edward. And damn, it ‘s just not good. New Moon was slightly better. Same problem though. Also less Edward.
That brings me to the third movie. Eclipse. A newborn vampire army is coming after poor Bella. This movie was not awful. It was not good, but it was the best of the three. I attribute this to another new director. He made the new movie not entirely ridiculous. The plot of this movie also lent itself better to the action drama category. He cut out most of the stupid fighting between Edward and Jacob and did a good job keeping in the most important scenes. Good for you David Slade. You turned a ridiculous book into a decent movie. Congrats. You were replaced though. Oh well. Good luck to the next director who must turn a sex filled movie featuring a half human half vampire baby who was delivered with a vampire’s teeth into a PG13 movie. Have fun!
Someday I will make a movie starring Blake Lively and Kristen Stewart. I will call it "Tired Girls."