Funny? Yes. Musical? Yes. A foreign pair of hunks? Sure, why not. So why did Flight of the Concords didn't win me over in the beginning? I really don't know. It felt very slow to me, with the dry humor not really getting to me until two or three episodes in. But when it did get to me, I was laughing and singing along. I really warm up to the socially awkward duo of Bret and Jemaine, and even more to the characters of Murry and Mel. There's not much to say about the show. It's odd and musical, if you like oddness and songs. you'll like it.
I can't say I've seen more than an episode or two, but I'm with former you in not quite loving this show as much as it seems most people did. The songs do seem like best part, but when there's no humorous situation to anchor the songs within, why not just listen to the songs and save like twenty minutes? That said, I may yet give this show a chance at some point down the road.