Did I scare you? No? Well neither will Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective. In fact, this ghostly game isn't about the spooky, but about what happens in the afterlife. You play as Sissel, an amnesiac dead man who only has to dawn to not only find out his who he his, but why he was killed. But what is this? He no ordinary ghost, but instead had the ability to possess objects, turn switches, travel on phone wires, knock and rock around small items, and of course travel back in time.
The time travel was the first thing I noticed that wasn't very 'ghostly' but hey, I really don't know what ghosts are up to. This Ghost Trick of travel back in time is an ability only Sissel can do, so he's very useful when it comes to solving murders. The rules are that he can only go back four minutes before the person's death, the person can't be dead for more than 24 hours, and he has to posses the corpse. Once a person is saved, not only do they remember their death in the new timeline, they can free speak to Sissel now.
Using all these abilities, you spend one night trying to figure out not only who you are, but saving other people's lives. Now you spend most of your time solving Rube Goldberg style puzzles, which is a wonderful time, but only leave you with one possible solution. It would be nice to see some variation in solutions in some of the complex machines.
From the creators of Pheonix Wright, they bring back the formula:
Crazy Characters + Detectives vs. Murders + a little bit of magic = A good game that leaves a chill down the spine.
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