The movie went farther into the genre of stretching the limits between movie and video games. I understand that the movie is based on a comic so I therefore will assume that the comic has gone father in stretching the limits between video game and comic. I am not entirely sure how I felt about this movie. I thought the video game references were good and I actually liked that they kept going throughout the entire movie, I feel like a lot of people would have found the repetition to be annoying. I was wholly amused by the fact that one character was named Young Neil, obviously a Neil Young reference and another band member was name Steven Stills who is also a member of the band CSNY (as the S). Why they did this I do not know, perhaps they enjoy Neil Young as much as I do. The plot was a bit hectic, an simply put the main character, Scott Pilgrim (Michael Cera), has to fight the seven evil ex's (they aren't all men/ boys) of this girl he likes Ramona. In my opinion the fight scenes were too long and kinda annoying, I really could have done without all of them. The movie has a whole was very scenester and kinda pretentious, mostly it just rubbed me the wrong way. Also the movie starts with Scott Pilgrim dating an annoying Asian chick who reminds me too much of a certain L.L. in Stanvick's grade. I didn't hate it, I didn't love it overall I would rate it MEHH.
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