January 11, 2010

Crank 2: High Voltage

If Crank was over the top, Crank 2 was so far above the top that it had never even seen the top. That's both what I wanted and expected from this movie. Unfortunately, I didn't want or expect the movie to not be as good as its predecessor. I figured with any movie franchise as absurd as this one, the more bizarre a movie gets, the better it will be. But that wasn't the case. Where the first one had a certain charm about it - the main point was "get pumped up, or die!" - this one seemed to suffer from a lack of cohesion. This time around, Chev Chelios has had his poisoned heart replaced by a battery-powered one, and he must constantly recharge himself not with adrenaline but with electricity. It provides for some entertainment and different approaches to keeping himself alive, but it all just feels kind of tacked on. The majority of this movie is instead spent watching Chelios kick ass and take names. The same morbid humor is present this time around, but the overall effect just isn't as strong. That's not to say the movie wasn't enjoyable and ridiculous. It was. It was just also a little bit too baseless to find as enjoyable as the first one. Still, I'll give it a seven out of eight and happily move on in my journey through the backlog.

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