January 3, 2010

Alice In Wonderland

Here Lies The Back Logging Additions of Matthew Webber.
I know there are rules to writing and as this is a blog and not a novel or a piece of graded writing I feel I have some artistic license to do whatever I want. I thought I would start my first post by asking a question posed towards no one in particular. Introductions were never my strong point so here goes. Have you ever ever walked through a book store or peered at your own bookshelf to be overwhelmed by the sheer amount of things you would love to read but know that you will never have a chance to pick up? Well the other day this exact feeling overcame me. I started to think of the books that at this point in my life I should already have read. Towards the top of this list, which is neither formal or real, I put the book Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. To be honest, I read most of this book in one afternoon while on the clock. Around a hundred pages long the book was easy to read and easier to fall in love with. This book set the stage for the nonsensical genre of literature and Carrol set the bar high with a story that seems almost as though the Author had little more sense of that was going to happen on the next page than the reader does. Its one of those books that you turn the page, not to find out where the plot is headed but, to simply enjoy the actions of the zany, unpredictable characters. For example the baby that turns into a pig, or the numerous times Alice changes height, or most notably the queen who sentences anyone who annoys her to be beheaded despite the fact that no beheading ever actual occurs. Machiavelli would hate this book simply for the fact that the ends don't justify the means. Hell, there's no real end for the means to justify. My post is starting to resemble the book itself so without further adieu I shall conclude with my recommendation. If you have an afternoon and a need to smile pick this book up.

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