So, this is the story of Michael Oher. An illiterate large teenage with no family that has no idea how to play football. Sandra Bullock is pretty much a ball buster. She is a tough chick with a heart of gold. She takes Oher in and they become family. They tell him "Play football kid! You're big!" But Michael just doesn't get it. He doesn't want to hurt people because he's actually a big baby.
Sidebar: Have you seen Friday Night Lights? Have you seen when Riggins bangs an older woman with a son? Do you know the son? Yea, well he is essentially (and may actually be) Sandra Bullock's son. "Tim Riggins! Oh boy!"
Anyways, Michael Oher must defend his quarterback like hs is Tim Riggins' bud so he starts demolishing people in football. Then he goes to college. There is some drama, but ultimately all is resolved.
I liked this movie. Sandra Bullock is really good in it.
Guess who didn't like this movie?
Michael Oher. Apparently he could read. Apparently he could play football. Oops.
Michael Oher allowed his quarterback to be sacked seven times in his final two seasons at Ole Miss. Sandra Bullock allowed her husband to be sacked by seven different women over the course of her marriage. So, you know. Fun trivia.