February 5, 2011

Friday Night Lights: Season 3

A testament to the addictive properties of Friday Night Lights: not 24 hours after I finished season 2, season 3 has been completed. Though slightly shorter, season 3 was at least a full season of television with a true finale and everything, which is good- I like some closure after all that drama! Season 3 is when some main characters start departing. First off, Santiago, who I liked in season 2, is never mentioned at all. Just seems kinda sloppy that they don't even reference his character, but whatever. Two other characters over the course of the season are appropriately written off the show, and I really liked how it was done- both of their departures truly felt like the culmination of their character arcs, plus it's hard to keep characters on a show about high school when they graduated the year before. In addition, most of the main cast is dealing with the pressures of senior year and getting into college while simultaneously focusing on a potential second state title, all while dealing with the classic relationship drama we've come to know and love in Dillon Texas. Although I liked the running theme in the season that everyone's time together was soon coming to an end, the show is about a football season, which ended in December as far as I can tell. Where's the closure when they've still got a few more months together? Well, I'll tell you where. After the last football game is played, the season finale takes place five months later and provides a nice look at the last days of senior year. While some characters will be sticking around, I'm not really sure exactly who will be gone forever, and a huge last-minute plot twist means there's plenty of possibilities for where to go next in season 4. I'll be taking a break from the series for a little bit while I do some business travel, but I'm sure when I'm back Gallagan's going to insist that we start watching again, so I'd expect season 4 to be posted later in the month.

1 comment:

  1. I thought Season 3 had a very tasteful and awesome ending. Keep in mind that it was intended to be a potential series finale. It would have been so easy for the writers to end the season in a certain way. And it looked like it was going to happen. And then it just... didn't.

    Unless they return for the series finale, you will not again see Smash or Tyra. Each will be referenced briefly at some point or another. Actually, the way they kind of write in the Smash references is pretty cool. You'll see Street and Lyla a time or two each. You have another season of Landry and Riggins and another half season of Saracen. All three will be back for various amounts in Season 5. But you have some new kids coming in who, although you may not love them at first, will grow on you. My favorite new secondary character is easily Tinker. You'll meet him within an episode or two. Billy Riggins becomes a bigger and better character, and so does Tyra's sister Mindy. And, of course, you'll always have the Taylor family.
