February 28, 2011

Kiss the Girls

Book 2 of the Alex Cross series! How utterly predictable. Lame. This one is a book turned movie so you may have heard of it. (Morgan Freeman plays Alex Cross) A mysterious man is kidnapping women at college campuses in the South. He takes only the most beautiful accomplished women. They are all extraordinary. He calls himself Casanova and he keeps the women in a harem. He does with them what he pleases, but he wants them to love them. He furnishes their room with objects they would like to win them over. Unfortunately Alex Cross's niece was one of the women kidnapped. This shit just got personal. So you know, he does normal cop / psychologist stuff to find her. He also falls in love with one of the victims that escaped along the way. Typical. I won't ruin the end for you because it's a movie on tv sometime, and I highly suggest you watch it! The book is even better. So read that too!

1 comment:

  1. Did you know that this book's title is an anagram for "She Rigs Kilts?" Tell me there is a girl who does some kilt-rigging in this novel. Also, did you know that if you google "anagram" it asks you, "Did you mean: nag a ram?" Google is pretty clever like that when it wants to be I guess.
