This movie is one I always had interest in because it is set in Boston, and you know how I love Boston. Plus, it has Ben Affleck and he's not half bad either. This story is centered around four guys from Charlestown. And BOY does it make Charlestown seem awful. Here's what I learned... Basically if you are from there you are a criminal. That's really all there is if you are from Charlestown. This gang of boys, they like to rob banks. Don Draper and the man in black? They like to solve crimes and put bank robbers in jail. Drama! Fast forward fast forward the movie ends with a pretty cool robbery of Fenway Park which I would hope wouldn't actually be able to be pulled off in real life.
Enough about the movie / plot though. What the hell is up with the exaggerated Boston accents? I don't get it. BEN, you're from Boston. Why do you make yourself sound like a faking idiot in movies? I don't get it.
Regardless of the awful accents, I liked the movie. Nothing special, but it was enjoyable. And with that, I am COMPLETELY caught up with my backlog of backlogs. CAN YOU HANDLE THAT?!
Affleck was born in California, which likely means his parents were from that area (or at least very likely not Boston). He moved to Cambridge when he was young, but unless you learn to speak with an accent as you learn a specific language, the accent will never come naturally to you. I just don't think people need to have Boston accents in movies set in Boston just for the sake of it. Robin WIlliams in Good WIll Hunting? No accent, fantastic job. Matt Damon? A local, with a forced accent nonetheless, and distractingly bad at it.