I kid I kid. I really do enjoy the books, otherwise why would I still be reading them. This is one of the better Cross books in recent memory. One piece of Cross' history that is vital to how he functions daily is that his wife was murdered shortly after they had their second child, and he was never able to solve the case. In this book, you find out.
The story starts with why Cross wife is killed. It is a flashback from the murderers point of view. His name is the butcher, and he is a mob hitman. He regularly rapes girls and then threatens them with pictures of people he killed. They either die or never speak of it again. One poor victim confides in Cross' wife, a social worker. Cross, meanwhile, on another case, is investigating some mob hits and actually sees the butcher in the middle of a hit. The butcher goes after Cross and kills his wife. Flash forward, Cross and Sampson are investigating a series of rapes in the Washington area.
I won't bore you with the entire middle of the book, but Cross gets his man and avenges his wife's death. The shocker, his best buddy Samspon knew the killer the entire time but could never get to him. Oh, and Cross gets shot. He is still risking his life all the time.
Good book. Fun murder case and some Cross history. Seven posts left!
Seven posts until you're done with your entire backlog? Damn, good for you.