August 9, 2011

Mary Mary

What's that? You thought I stopped reading the James Patterson Alex Cross series which I have written far too many posts on? NEVER (at least until the series is over). This book was fine. Good. Kept me reading to find out the ending, which was unexpected if I may add. Ok, let me rephrase, it wasn't completely unexpected. In books like this, generally you have always met the murder, otherwise then they can't really surprise you. Because if you haven't met the person, you can't dismiss them as a character. But I did not see this person coming.

So a murder is killing famous people in LA, mutilating their faces, and leaving children's stickers. Naturally all fingers point to.... Mary Smith a lonely housewife. So the police arrest her ass and she raves about her children. The weird part... she doesn't have any children?! This lady is cra - zay. Alex Cross, being the master investigator he is, traces her identity to a mental institution in Vermont where she was institutionalized after killing her children. Bad news bears.

I won't even bore you with the details of Alex Cross coming out victorious. All I can say is, he may have been hurt, but he sure came out on top. That a guy.

1 comment:

  1. Get to the one where Alex Cross joins the Klan. That one sounded interesting.
