It's been 56 posts since I posted Pokémon White. I need to step my game up. At least 28 between this and my next post.
What can I be said about Brink that hasn't been said before in this ultra saturated FPS gaming community. We got some guys, they got guns and they have an enemy that is begging to be filled with bullets. So what did Brink bring to the table that you haven't seen before?It brought teamwork.
Brink is your everyday shooter, but doesn't let you play it that way. Mainly, you carry around your gun for self-defence. Every level isn't about kills or survival, but instead is about your objectives. Hack this computer, carry this briefcase, guard this check point, blow up this bridge, etc until you realize that each objective is the same. Defend your team and yourself. Sometimes you have to defend a door from having a charge attached to it, and if it is, remove it before it blows. Sometimes you have to crack a safe, so you and your team rush the safe, and while an Engineer tries to open it, defend him. You will die, and lose, if you are not with at least another solider. Lone wolfs die alone.
Speaking about wolves, you can look like Wolverine. Or Bryan Cranston from Breaking Bad. Or a lot of different ways. You create your own character to use in the game, and he plays on both sides. The costumes and weapons work a lot like Rock Band. Gain experience, and unlock new shirts, armor, pants, hair and accessories. Weapons can have attached to them silencers, shields, bayonets, scopes and grenade launchers. Body size means a lot too. Big guys have the most health and can carry the most damaging guns, but their sluggish and can't parkour. Small guys can't carry anything heavier than a pistol, but their speedy and can climb over any jump and move over any physical obstacle. Medium guys are, well medium.
The story is mildly interesting. A self sustaining city floating in the middle of the ocean has gotten too many inhabitants to survive. Plus they lost contact with the rest of the world 23 years ago. So the 'Security' and the 'Resistance' are up in arms. The extra people, living in container houses on floating garbage, are nicknamed the 'Guests' and their leader, Brother Chen, thinks its time that they take control over the arc and its Founders. The Security team is lead by Caption Mokoena and he is responsible to keep the uninvited and and unwanted guests from being destructive with their protests.
This game got mixed reviews, and I see why. This isn't the shooter you really want. This is a shooter that's trying to be experimental with its gameplay. You don't play the game online for kills-streaks or survival, you play the campaign levels with other people. There is no online mode where you all spawn and run and shoot. Its the same objectives from the campaign, in the same levels. Of course you mix it up by playing both sides, but that soon can become stale. Thank goodness Bethesda feels bad about this, and promises DLCs to improve it. I received their first one free, which added new abilities to each class, and additional levels and costumes.
This game is going to be taking my attention for a long time, but I already know its not going to be one of those FPS that I will play for ever. Coming up soon will be my new computer and games like Sims 3, Minecraft, Spiral Knights and Team Fortress 2. My videogame backlog will be unprogressive for a while.
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