Before we begin, every time I upload a picture Chrome makes the pop up window hide. I don't want it to hide! I want it to pop right up. How upsetting.
This movie, as you can see, is based on two true stories. Story 1: Julia Childs learns to cook in France and wants to publish a book a la the Joy of Cooking for American women who want to learn French cooking. So she must first learn French cooking! How neat! (We all know how this story ends)
Story 2: Meet Julie. It's Amy Adams looking less attractive and more worn looking with short hair. Her boyfriend makes her move to a crappy apartment and instead of being a writer she is stuck in a telemarketing esque job.
Enter Julia! Julie is all like, "I never complete my goals, wahhh." So she says, I'm going to cook through Julia Childs' cookbook in 365 days. And dangnabbit, she does! She blogs about it and gains many followers. The New York times even does a piece on her and she gets oh so many book offers!
It's really a happy story all round. I must say Meryl Streep was fabulous. I really don't know if Julia Childs was that eccentric, but Meryl played it to the tee if so. She was so enthusiastic and eager to learn. She also had a great accent. Amy Adams plays a great frustrated twenty something. She really comes into her own. I thought this was a very fun well done movie. Nuff said.