Today, Steve tried to kick me out of the back-blog. I understand his concerns, but I object! His biggest concern: I have a back-log of items that I have backlogged. AKA I have 11 completed items that I have not posted. I know I suck. But I am on board with the back blogs goals! To complete items! Hoorah! Because I don't have a huge physical backlog, mine extends to movies I have seen and Kindle books. But that doesn't matter, yo. I'm on board. And I'll do my best to get through my backlog of backlogs. COMMENCE

Enter Ryan Reynolds. Sandra's devoted assistant hoping to breaking into the publishing industry. What brings these two together? Love and marriage. Anywho, it's not really love and marriage. Sandra B. is all like, marry me assistant so I can stay in the country. And he's all like, nuh uh girl, what's in it for me? And she's like, fine. promotion!
So now they only have to convince the US that they actually love each other and this isn't a fake deportation marriage. So they take a little trip to Alaska where Ryan Reynolds family is super rich and super nice. They are convince why he is dating his awful boss. Even more confused when they find out they are engaged. Regardless, they are on board because they are super nice and love their son.
Can you guess how this movie ends? Not without their problems in the middle, but these two Razzy nominated cuties fall in love fo realz. The end.
For the record, the conversation went something like this.
ReplyDeleteMe: "Hey, do you just not like posting to the blog? Do you just not want to be a part of it? I never meant to pressure you into joining if you didn't want to."
Her: "Stop it! I feel so guilty! Can we not talk about this?"
Me: "No I mean in all honesty if you don't want to-"
Her: "Wow, you're doing a great job NOT TALKING about this."
In unrelated news we have a very happy relationship.
Also, to give you an idea of how backlogged Marissa is with Back-Blogged posts, she watched this movie while I completed the fourth of five temples in Spirit Tracks. See how long ago that game was posted.