Phew (*wipes brow), I finished this season in time for Friday Night Lights final triumphant return in the critically acclaimed last season which will unfortunately only be taking place on Direct TV. Luckily I have that!
So, I really can't talk much about this season because there are some big ol' spoilers, but as you can see even from the box cover, there are some new faces in the mix. These faces live in.... East Dillon. Who knew it. Dillon has a more diverse and gangster counterpart in East Dillon. Some of the main staples are still there. Riggins is as awesome as always. Slightly troubled, but still awesome. Julie is a senior and looking at colleges. Landry is only a senior (who knew) and then we have the new cast. Second row left, you have Vince a troubled kid with a heart of gold who uses football as his tool to get his life on the right track. Bottom left, Luke McCourty, star running back whose parents are very Republican and own a farm. Bottom right, we have Jess, who I can't think of an all encompassing storyline for. Her dad owns a BBQ place. Landry's on the box too! He's important now! Not featured on the box is another new character named Becky who is in quite a few storylines, especially involving Riggins. Front and center, we have Mr and Mrs Coach. The one constant (oooooooooo Lost reference!) in an ever changing show featuring people graduating from high school and the football team. This season brings a lot of change for them. Tune in to see how they handle it!
It was different. And you know what, I liked it. It stayed true to itself even with drastically different story lines. I have no idea what season 5 will bring us. I'm not allowed to back-blog that, so I'll just have to share my opinions in person. Sigh.
It's over!
I have several bones to pick with you, and one to pick with myself.
ReplyDelete1. The fifth season is not yet critically acclaimed as it has not yet even begun.
2. Luke's last name is Cafferty, not McCourty. I mean, that's not even close. McCourty is a rookie cornerback for the Patriots. That's the only McCourty I can even think of.
3. Mr. and Mrs. Cafferty are not stated or implied members of the Republican party. Mrs. Cafferty is pro-life, but that paints her more as a religious woman than as a Republican. The family's cattle-ranching profession also seems more in line with the Republican party than the Democratic one, but the family's socioeconomic status - lower class in a city-like municipality (it's strange that East Dillon is home to both urban street corners and rural cattle ranches, but whatever) - would align them more with Democrats. At the end of the day, their voting tendencies shall remain an enigma, at least until Season 5, and probably even afterward. Of course, their desire to keep their son away from both school and football just makes them seem like bad parents either way.
4. Finally, the self-bone. (Ha.) I lent you this DVD set and never bothered to try to watch all of the episodes with you. Now you have logged it, and I haven't even done so yet! So now I will have to burden readers with another FNL Season 4 post in the near or distant future even though you've already done so. Woe is me for having such a ginormous backlog.